home How to choose Air conditioning equipment Choosing an air ionizer for an apartment

Choosing an air ionizer for an apartment

You've probably noticed how easy and pleasant it is to breathe in the mountains, in a coniferous forest, near the sea or a waterfall. The reason is a large concentration of negatively charged particles - ions of natural origin. At the same time, in poorly ventilated rooms, with a large number of functioning office equipment and household appliances, performance decreases sharply over time. The reason is the excess in the air of positively charged particles - cations. The installation of an ionizer will optimize the ratio of negatively and positively charged particles in the room.

Why is the ionizer useful?

The presence of a large number of negative ions can significantly improve the processes of gas exchange in the human lungs. This improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system, accelerates tissue regeneration (wounds heal faster), improves sleep, the condition of the skin and, in general, human well-being. But the main effect is associated with the respiratory system - the risk of SARS and asthma, as well as the manifestation of allergic reactions, decreases.

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How the ionizer works

Regardless of the design, the principle of operation of the ionizer itself remains the same - it is based on a corona discharge. An electrode having a large surface curvature (for example, a plate with needle-like pins) is supplied with a high voltage having a negative charge. A corona discharge occurs at the tip of the electrodes, resulting in the formation of ions. The resulting flow of ions flowing down from the electrode spreads throughout the room. In this case, particles of pollution contained in the air and dust particles, being charged, settle on the plates of the ionizer. As a result, purified ionized air leaves the device.

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Varieties of ionizers

Some models of air ionizers may contain additional features. For example, the ionizer-cleaner has a built-in filter that cleans the air - this combination can significantly improve the air quality in the room. If the room is very dusty, then you should buy a device with a built-in HEPA filter. If the level of dustiness is relatively low and you want to save money on replacing the filter, then you should opt for ionizers with an electrostatic filter. It is reusable, easy to clean and has good air filtration performance.

Another example is an ionizer-humidifier, such a device will provide an ideal microclimate in the room. Such a combination of devices will save space, which is very important for an apartment, while maintaining the quality of work.The humidifier itself can be of a very different type - air washer, ultrasonic, etc.

However, there are monofunctional models of the air ionizer, which are optimized for operation in specific conditions. For example, an air ionizer for a car that is powered by a cigarette lighter is recommended for drivers who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Another model is suitable for those who work at a computer for a long time, which is a rather powerful source of positively charged particles. To neutralize their effect and increase the concentration of ions, you can use a small USB air ionizer. It is very compact, comparable in size to a USB storage device, the so-called flash drive, and is powered by a standard USB port.

Another option for the ionizer is a salt lamp. It is a low-power incandescent lamp on which a layer of natural salt crystals is applied. When heated, the salt begins to emit negatively charged ions. It can be a ball-shaped lamp or a lamp set in rough stone. Despite the decorative appeal, such salt ionizers have one significant drawback - low power and, as a consequence, create a low concentration of ions.


The most famous ionizer is the Chizhevsky lamp, but you should not buy it for a house / apartment. After all, this is a medical device, not a household device; its use should be strictly dosed.

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How to choose an air ionizer for an apartment

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First of all, before choosing an air ionizer for an apartment, it should be noted that its use has a number of limitations. First of all, doctors do not recommend installing it in rooms where a child is not yet one year old. In addition, the installation of ionizers for people with cancer is contraindicated - as mentioned above, ions improve metabolism, which can cause accelerated growth and reproduction of cancer cells. Some people have an individual intolerance to aerons.

Before proceeding to the assessment of the basic parameters of the ionizer, one should deal with one rather widespread misconception: an ionizer cannot replace a humidifier. Just like a humidifier performs completely different functions than an air ionizer, maintaining an optimal level of humidity.

Bipolar or unipolar

Depending on the type of produced ions, ionizers are bipolar (produce positive - cations and negative - anions) and unipolar (generate only anions). There is no consensus among experts how justified the choice of a bipolar ionizer is. It is believed that the natural, most harmonious ratio of negative and positive ions in the air should be 3: 2. But at the same time, a large number of household appliances are a source of a large number of positively charged particles. Therefore, for office premises it is optimal to choose a unipolar ionizer, moreover, it is much cheaper. But for a children's room with a minimum of household appliances, a bipolar ionizer is better suited, even despite the fact that such models are quite expensive.


It can be specified in two versions. The first is the created concentration of ions per cubic meter of the room, optimally this value is from 10 thousand to 20 thousand ions per cubic centimeter. The second option - the area for which the ionizer is designed is indicated, while the performance is calculated for rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters.

Emitter voltage

It should be between 20 kV and 30 kV. A reading below the recommended level cannot provide continuous ion production. Voltage over 30 kV is not recommended for electrical safety.In addition, at such a voltage, active generation of ozone begins, whose high concentration can be dangerous.

Noise level

Depends on which ion propagation method is used. When active, a fan is used, which becomes a source of noise; when passive, ions spread independently. Passive air ionizers are quieter and cheaper, but they have a significant drawback - the uneven distribution of ions throughout the volume of the room. A negatively charged particle is unstable; it tends to recombine by attaching a positively charged particle. Therefore, in the immediate vicinity of the ionizer, the concentration of ions will be high, but in the far corners of the room (especially if it is large) they may simply not "get". An air ionizer with a built-in fan has a higher noise level, but at the same time provides a more uniform distribution of ions throughout the room.

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