home How to choose Large home appliances How to choose a quality cooler bag

How to choose a quality cooler bag

Planning to travel and don't know how to store groceries on the road? Or are you planning a picnic, outing, or nature hike? Or maybe a trip to the country, where there is no refrigerator? In such a situation, a thermal bag can really help you out, keep you fresh and extend the shelf life of your food. In this article we will answer the question: how to choose the right cooler bag so that the purchase is really worthwhile and useful for you.

Types of cooler bags

Cooler bags are very different. And having come to the store, it is difficult to immediately correctly determine which model is needed. The main difference is the capacity and the thickness of the insulating layer of the bags. That is why, all cooler bags can be divided into:

  • Thermal bags - products mainly from dense fabrics with a thin layer, differ in small volume - from 300-400 g to 2-3 l;
  • Thermal containers - have a rigid frame and a reinforced thermal layer, volume - from 3 liters, made in the form of backpacks, suitcases on wheels, voluminous portable bags;
  • car refrigerators - roomy boxes for transportation in the trunk of a car, are connected to the car battery and keep the cold for a long time.

Actually, it is worth considering the fact that the thermal capacity, unlike a car refrigerator, does not produce, but only maintains the cold. That is, the bag itself does not freeze food, but only keeps the inside temperature low. Therefore, it is not too correct to call a bag a refrigerator, however, this common name has firmly stuck to such a relatively new accessory. All products and the container itself must be refrigerated or frozen before use - for better and longer preservation.

Depending on the thickness of the thermal layer and the volume of the bag itself, the cold inside can persist for 2-3 hours or for a longer period - up to 20 hours or longer. Heat exchange between the internal content and the environment still occurs. But the thicker the isolayer, the slower heating occurs. Based on this fact, thermal capacities with a layer thickness of 0.8 mm and higher are most effective.

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Design and volumes

How the thermal bag will look is up to you. Today, manufacturers produce all sorts of models of such an accessory - in the form of small lunch boxes, portable bags, backpacks, containers, etc. The color can also be selected, whatever.You can choose a thermal bag in restrained tones or vice versa - take a motley and bright one to immediately catch your eye.

However, be sure to pay attention to the convenience of transportation - the thermal container must have strong and reliable handles, a zip fastener covered with a Velcro flap.

To choose a model that is suitable in volume, you must consider how many people you need to save products. The larger the company, the more spacious your cooler bag should be. If you are buying a small container for a student or office worker, pay attention to the small thermo boxes, which can hold just a couple of sandwiches or a light snack. Take along a trip of products to an ordinary family of 3-4 people - choose a heat capacity of 4-5 liters. If you are traveling with a large company, it is best to take with you a thermo-backpack or a container on wheels with a volume of 8-10 liters.

See also - How does a thermal bag (portable refrigerator) work

We determine the quality of the material

If you decide to choose a thermal bag, then we advise you to immediately buy a good model from a reliable manufacturer. After all, you are probably familiar with the phrase: "The miser pays twice." A high-quality thermal bag will last you longer and will show itself as efficiently as possible - you can really count on long-term preservation of a low temperature inside.

A high-quality bag will immediately stand out among one-day models with its solid execution. The outer material is dense, durable and water-repellent. For example, nylon, polyester or polyvinyl chloride. Before buying, be sure to research the quality of the seams - a responsible manufacturer will certainly prove itself with a clear, even stitching and tightly stitched handles.

The inner layer, as a rule, consists of a reflective dense material resembling a dense foil. If there is no such coverage in the proposed model, you should think carefully before buying and do not rush to part with the money.

We already mentioned that the thickness of the thermal layer should be more than 0.8 cm. Otherwise, your bag will be able to keep the cold in the middle for only about 2 hours.

With or without battery?

Usually, along with a good thermal bag, cold accumulators are also sold in the kit - small containers with saline solution. If there is no such device in the thermal capacity, the cold accumulators can be purchased separately. Batteries do not freeze, but they are capable of releasing cold during defrosting. It is with the help of batteries that the products inside the thermobag stay chilled or frozen longer.

Outwardly, the cold accumulator is a flat flask. The filling can be liquid or gel. It is helium cold accumulators that take longer to heat up, but solution ones are much cheaper.

In principle, the life of such a battery is unlimited. Freeze containers in your home refrigerator before loading food. However, if the container with saline cracked, you should immediately say goodbye to such a battery.

A properly selected salt refrigerant container can keep the temperature 25 ° lower than the environment for 18-24 hours. Remember, for 1 liter of products, use 50-60 g of refrigerant in the battery.

Additional equipment

Many modern thermobags can boast of additional equipment - a set of dishes, special compartments, pockets for bottles, etc. To buy just such a bag or not is everyone's personal business. It is worth considering that a set of plates, forks and glasses may not be useful to you outdoors or in the country, and how often you will use such a service is unknown. But such a bag will cost an order of magnitude more.

Food locks are more practical in this regard. Even if your bag fell or turned upside down, the products inside will not suffer and will not fall out.

Useful Tips

To keep the low temperature inside your thermal capacity as long as possible, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • First of all, refrigerate the bag before use. For example, the bag itself can be put in the refrigerator or held inside a bottle of frozen water.
  • If you use cold batteries, they should also be pre-frozen. This will take you at least 10-12 hours.
  • Before laying, refrigerate or freeze the required foods.
  • Stack the products very tightly, make sure there are no voids, and do not forget to place a couple of cold accumulators in the middle.
  • It is better to transport thermal capacity, among other things, if the situation and the size of the bag itself allow. Large refrigerators should be transported in the trunk of a car.
  • The bag should be opened as rarely as possible - because warm air enters and raises the temperature inside the cooler bag. Especially if the summer is hot on the street, and you brought food to a long picnic.

As you can see, nothing supernatural, but following these simple rules will allow you to extend the life of your portable bag.

Thermal insulating containers and bags are useful not only for picnics, but also in the household. You can take it with you on a trip or a trip to the countryside. Also in this bag you can carry frozen food from the store home. And if you need to defrost a refrigerator, simply transfer the contents of the freezer to a bag prepared in advance and do not worry about the safety of the products.

We hope that now you know exactly how to choose a cooler bag, what to look for before buying and how to use the new purchase correctly. Be careful when choosing and give yourself a truly practical and convenient thermal bag.

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