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Choosing a washing machine for the country

We all strive to surround ourselves with the benefits of civilization in everything, even in summer cottages and in country houses. Today, in conditions of limited or no water supply, you can wash your clothes in the washing machine, and not with your own hands. Do you want to know how? Now we will tell you how to choose the best washing machine for summer cottages and rural areas.

Activator type

Do not deny yourself clean things if you work in the garden or disappear all day in the garden. You can always choose the best household appliance for your needs and capabilities, which will save you from having to bend your back in front of a basin of dirty laundry. For example, an activator-type washing machine.

Such a washing machine is an economical and compact option for a summer residence. Manufacturers continue to manufacture such units, since there is a demand for them. The fact is that such a machine costs - inexpensive, uses little water and electricity, and the absence of electronic filling is a guarantee of stable and durable operation. The hostesses say that if something breaks in such a machine, then it can be repaired quickly and for very modest money.

Activator type washers are a tank with a motor. You pour heated water into the machine and pour ordinary washing powder inside, you can even wash it by hand. Start the timer and wait for the motor to spin your wash. Then the soapy water is drained, you collect clean water and again start the timer - to rinse. When the wash is over, you can unscrew the laundry by hand, use a special spinning device or a centrifuge, if your washer has one.

As you understand, plumbing and sewage are absolutely optional conditions for the operation of such a device. For that, there are several advantages of buying an activator washer:

  • low cost;
  • profitability;
  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • simple and quick repair;
  • compact size.

After all, you don’t have to wash by hand, and this is the main thing!

See also - How to choose a small washing machine?

Washing machine with water tank

If you are tired of carrying water with buckets and warming it before washing, take a look at washing machines with a water tank. Such a device has at its disposal all the same functions as a modern automatic machine, only there is no need to carry out water supply and sewerage for the operation of the device.

Such a washing machine is sold with a storage tank for water, which is enough for several full washings of linen.The storage tank can be placed on the side or behind the device, therefore, it is worth correlating the dimensions of the machine and the dimensions of the place where you plan to install it. Remember that such an assembly requires extremely smooth installation. But there are no connection features. The first start is still worth carrying out without laundry in order to verify the correct operation of the machine.

To start the wash, you need to dial the tank, using a bucket or hose with a pump from a well or a well. Then you pour the washing powder for the machine, select the mode and start the process. The washing machine itself warms the water, rinses and wringes the laundry. You just have to hang a fresh wash. Discharge of waste water can be arranged using a simple garden hose or a special container. If spinning does not seem effective enough to you - hanging clothes on the street can easily solve this problem - in the open air even the wettest clothes dry out several times faster.

As you can see, the process is quite simple, but extremely effective!

Advantages of washing machines with a tank

As you already understood, a washing machine with a storage tank for water is a practical and multifunctional device that allows you to wash any complexity and rather impressive volumes without human intervention. You only need to fill the machine’s tank with clean water on time.


  • ease of use;
  • effective and high-quality washing;
  • various modes for different types of fabric;
  • high-quality spin;
  • quick and easy installation of the device;
  • reliability.

If you carefully study the technical characteristics of the model of a washing machine with a tank, then you can choose a completely economical and roomy machine for a summer residence and the countryside. Such a device uses only 40 liters of water for washing 5-7 kg of laundry and winds about 1-1.2 kW on the counter.

Some models of such machines can be connected to the water supply. Water is still supplied to the storage tank, however, human participation in this process is absolutely not required.

You can find such a washer in the Gorenje catalog. This Slovenian brand is well established in the market of household appliances for the home and has developed a line of modern, stylish and multifunctional washing machines for the village and cottage. They contain the most effective heating elements, there are “smart” sensors for water consumption, detergent amount and optimal heating, and also there are additional stiffeners for stability of the device during the spin cycle.

But every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. The cost of such a washing machine is not affordable for everyone. And if you are not ready to part with a tidy sum for the sake of automatic washing, choose a device that is simpler and cheaper.

Semi-automatic washing machine

Semi-automatic washing machines can be a real salvation for a resident of the countryside or the owner of a small country house. Such a washing machine is more complex and more functional than an activator machine, but cheaper and easier than an automatic machine with a tank.

Semiautomatic devices require manual filling of water - from a bucket or water hose. In some more modern and improved models there are electric heating elements for heating water and several washing modes. However, you still have to control the washing process - switch modes, drain and pour water, transfer the wash to a centrifuge for spinning. Yes, the spin in such machines, as a rule, is carried out in a separate tank. But, it costs such a device even very democratically, does not require special efforts during installation and is extremely reliable in operation. It doesn’t take up much space, but it washes off very well.

Small washing machines

If you are unpretentious, but in the country or in the village you wash only a couple of T-shirts and shorts, then you can get by with a mini-washer like “Baby”.Such a machine will not take up much space, it will not require a large amount of water or electricity, but you will always walk around your site in clean and fresh clothes. In addition, no hassle with basins, soaking and prolonged washing of spots.

The washing process is very simple - pour water, add a detergent and dip dirty laundry in a soapy solution. The machine plugs into the outlet and begins to actively rotate the laundry inside the tank. Far and long to move away from such an appliance you will not succeed - you need to control the duration of the wash yourself, turn off the machine, catch the wash, twist and rinse it out.

A mini-washer will not be able to effectively wash bedspreads or warm sweaters. Such things will have to be picked up in the city and washed in a full-size machine with a good spin. But, Baby can be transported in the trunk of a car and connected in any convenient place where there is electricity.

How to connect a conventional SMA without running water

If you do not know where to put the old automatic washer when buying more modern equipment - take the device to the cottage and continue to use it. Even if your site has problems with running water, you can solve them with a simple water tank. A water barrel can be found in almost all summer cottages, and if you use water from a well, you just need to buy a 50 liter water tank. If you supply water from the storage tank to the washing machine, then it will receive a second life and will serve you faithfully for more than one summer season.

Install a washing machine in the absence of a water supply, taking into account the requirements of the device. If water is supplied under high pressure, the unit can be damaged. And if the water pressure is insufficient, the machine will simply “refuse” to wash.

So, a simple life hack for connecting an SMA without running water:

  • The main task is to take care of the correct water pressure. To do this, install the storage tank above the washing machine. Under the influence of gravity, water will create the required pressure for the washing machine to work properly.
  • If technically this is not possible, you will have to install a pump. Buy this device at a service center or a specialized outlet, in strict accordance with the requirements of the machine.
  • Remember, it is important to keep the intake valve and pump in sync. To do this, install a pump between the inlet valve and the storage tank and apply voltage to the pump while the inlet valve is on.

In principle, this is a fairly quick and easy process, but as a result you will get an excellent and effective household assistant even on an unfurnished summer cottage.

So, the washing machine can work in the country even if there is no water supply. Moreover, you always have a choice, which device to give your preference. So do not forget to choose household appliances wisely and relax comfortably, even if you are away from civilization!

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