home Repairs Large home appliances How to check the heating element of a washing machine with a multimeter

How to check the heating element of a washing machine with a multimeter

The heating element in the washing machine is one of the main parts. Outwardly, it resembles a small-diameter metal pipe, inside which a kind of spiral is located. It is she who heats up as a result of the action of the current. This is due to the resistance that the spiral has. The free space inside the heating element is filled with a dielectric, which has a high thermal conductivity.

The heating element often heats up during washing and then cools down. As a result, the spiral located inside the metal tube gradually wears out and begins to lose its qualities. All this leads to the fact that the heating element simply stops working. The part either closes on the body or burns out. The water does not heat up during washing. If the heating element has become unusable, then the element should be replaced. It is simply impossible to restore the working capacity of the part. However, everyone can check the heating element of the washing machine with a multimeter.


Where is the part

In various models of washing machines, the heating element is located either at the front or at the back. How to determine the location of the heating element? If the back cover is large, then this is where the heating element will be located. It is extremely rare that the heating element is located in front.

You can also turn the washing machine on its side and look from below where the heating element is located. The back panel of the washing machine can be removed if necessary. This will not cause any particular difficulties. It is enough to unscrew the hardware.

Where is the heating element in the washing machine


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How is the resistance of the heating element calculated

To check the heating element in the washing machine, you need to know not only how to ring the heating element with a multimeter, but also the indicator of its resistance. First of all, you need to calculate this value. You will need certain data:

  1. Voltage supplied to the water heater. In this case, the U indicator is equal to - 220 V. This is the voltage that is present in the household network.
  2. The power of the heating element - R. Determining this indicator will not be difficult. It is enough to look at the instructions. Knowing the model of the washing machine, the power of the heating element can be viewed on the Internet.

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Having learned all the necessary indicators, you can calculate the resistance - R. For this there is a formula:

R = U2/ P

This resistance arises in the heating element during its use. The R indicator is measured in Ohms. If the heating element of the washing machine is working properly, then the multimeter should show the received figure.

How to check the heating element

After the location of the heating element has been determined, it is necessary to ring the heating element for integrity. Before checking the heating element, many experts recommend removing it. However, this is not necessary. It is enough to disconnect the wires from the heating element and ring it. To do this, unscrew all the nuts with a screwdriver or a key. To ring the heating element with a multimeter, you must disconnect it from the power supply and disconnect it from the mains. The device designed to determine the resistance should be transferred to the 200 ohm mark. The ends of the multimeter must be attached to the terminals of the heating element.

  • If the heating element is working properly, the device will show a value that will be close to the calculated one.
  • If the number 1 is shown on the screen, then this indicates a break that occurred inside the heating element. In this case, it is required replacement of TEN.
  • If the display shows 0, then a short circuit has occurred inside the heating element. Correcting such a breakdown can only be done by replacing the part.

How to ring a heating element with a multimeter

Checking the heater for breakdown on the housing

If the multimeter shows the correct value, but the water does not heat up, then it is worth checking the breakdown of the part on the case. With this phenomenon, sparks may occur under the appliance during the washing process. It is very dangerous. To check, the multimeter should be put into dial mode. The device should beep. After that, the indicators on the multimeter will light up. One end of the device should touch the heating element terminal, and the other - to the body or to the grounding terminal. If the multimeter starts beeping, then the heating element is defective and must be replaced.

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