home Repairs Large home appliances Why does the TV turn itself on and off

Why does the TV turn itself on and off

It is hard to imagine our daily life now without such a household item as a TV. Now literally everyone has this unit, and its purpose is also different. It can be used as a monitor for your personal computer, as a music and video player, as a screen for a game console and, naturally, for watching cable or satellite TV. However, like all household appliances, the TV can fail. Breakdowns are of a different nature, simple and complex. Those that you can fix yourself and those that cannot be fixed without the help of a master. One of these breakdowns is a problem when the TV spontaneously turns on and off. We will describe the reason why the TV turns on and off itself in this article.

What you need to know

Other malfunctions and their elimination

So, let's start with the fact that in this article we will describe the problem associated with more modern TVs. Old tubular TVs do not fall into this category, as few people now take up repairing such old equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that if you do not have specific knowledge in electrical and micro-technology, do not proceed with repair yourself, as this can lead to an aggravation of the problem. Although the cause of the breakdown is not always mechanical, the software can be configured independently.

See also - The TV began to show poorly - what to do?

Non-mechanical breakdowns and their elimination

This type of malfunction can be divided into two categories:

  • when the equipment was improperly configured and put into operation. Most modern TVs have an auto shutdowns power supply if the system detects a malfunction in the signal or commands from the control panel do not match;
  • a program was randomly installed - a regulating timer, which is responsible for turning off the power and entering the TV into sleep mode.

Correcting these problems is easy enough, for this you need:

  • using the remote control or control panel on the TV case, enter the functional menu and check the settings, if any inconsistencies are found, configure for yourself;
  • in the second case, just turn off the timer program or configure it for yourself.

Also, do not forget that all modern TVs have protection against power surges. That is, it is necessary to check your power supply system of household appliances so as not to aggravate the condition and not to burn the electronics.

Other malfunctions and their elimination

Non-mechanical breakdowns and their elimination

The first reason for your TV to turn on or off spontaneously is a malfunctioning power supply.To check its performance is quite simple: if the indicator on the TV is lit or blinking, but the device itself does not respond to the power signal, then the problem lies in the power supply. It is impossible to repair it yourself, so the TV must be sent for diagnostics to a service center. If the indicator still lights up and nothing appears on the screen, try calling the menu on the control panel, which is located on the TV. When it appears, it is worth checking the network cable coming from the antenna or making sure that the antenna itself is intact. If the indicator does not light when connected to the network and the TV does not show any signs of life, then in this case we can safely talk about a malfunction of the power supply.

There are times when the TV itself turns off and immediately turns on, and this happens quite often and in a short period of time. If you briefly explain why this happens, then we can say the following: the operation of the TV depends on the frequency at which the signal was received. Sometimes when you use one channel, shutdown may not occur, but when you switch to another channel, the technician works for a couple of minutes and turns off. We will highlight such reasons why the TV in this case turns off:

  • there is dust on the board's microcircuit, which does not allow the signal to get to its destination, blocking the tracks;
  • as mentioned above, there may be voltage drops;
  • the inverter power supply circuit may be faulty;
  • the software crashed.

The first case is the most common, when dust is on the motherboard, it can serve as a microcircuit. Therefore, in order to avoid equipment malfunctions, it is necessary to wipe and blow the household appliance as often as possible.

The inventory can also fail due to a large amount of dust on the board. The presence of microcracks leads to the failure of this part of your TV. But there are a couple more reasons why the inventor breaks down:

  • power surges;
  • equipment overheating;
  • high humidity in the room;
  • swelling of the motherboard capacitors.

The last reason is especially dangerous, since in order to fix it, it is necessary to completely replace the capacitors, or the board itself, which in itself is not cheap.


So, in order to find out the cause of the breakdown yourself, it is worth disassembling the TV and carefully inspecting all the above details. However, this requires certain knowledge and experience. Therefore, we recommend that you contact the service or the master.

We hope that this article helped you find out the reason why the TV itself turns on and off.

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