home Repairs Small household appliances What to do if the plate is not spinning in the microwave?

What to do if the plate is not spinning in the microwave?

The rotating tray in the microwave ensures even heating and cooking of food. By rotating the microwaves, all parts of the dish will be heated equally, this is especially important, for example, for even defrosting food. Below we will consider in detail the reasons why the dish does not spin in the microwave and what to do in such cases.

Pallet incorrectly installed

If the dish stops rotating in the microwave, the dish may be too large or a piece of food that is too large. They may come into contact with the side walls or the oven door, thereby preventing the platform from rotating. In some cases, due to rotation, the food or plate can move diagonally from the center, as a result of which it rests against the wall and does not allow the pallet to move. In this case, it will be enough just to fix the heated dish, cut a large piece into several parts, and replace a large container / plate with a smaller one.


The operating instructions always indicate the maximum weight of food that can be reheated. If the permissible weight is exceeded, the microwave oven can function normally, but at the same time, the engine will operate at maximum power, which leads to its accelerated wear and rapid failure.

Another reason why the dish does not rotate is if it is not correctly installed on the bushing. On the back there are tabs that fit into the bushing. If there is no clutch, the engine can spin, but torque will not be transmitted to the plate and it will remain stationary. It will be enough just to slightly move the pallet in rotation or diagonally, so that it "sits" in its place.

To improve rotation, a plastic roller is installed under the plate, which ensures smooth movement. Sometimes the reason the cymbal stops spinning is because of the plastic wheels. They can get food debris or crumbs, which will jam the wheels, preventing them from spinning. Then it will be enough just to wash and clean the roller. Over time, the plastic casters wear out, so the roller can be replaced with a new one.

If the plate still does not spin, it means a problem in the engine or there is no power.

See also:

Bulb malfunction

In some models of microwave ovens (first of all, the old model), a burnt-out light bulb can cause the tray to stop rotating.It's all about the design features, if the light bulb is included in series in a common electrical circuit. As a result, its burnout leads to an open circuit, and electricity ceases to flow to the engine. The problem is solved by replacing the lamp.

In most modern microwave ovens, electric lamps with an E-14 base are installed, having a power of 20 watts. Replacing them is quite simple, the process itself is described in detail in the instruction manual.


All work on replacing parts, checking the health of the internal wiring and the engine must be carried out after disconnecting the microwave oven from power!

See also - The microwave works but does not heat the food: what to do?

Power problems

Poor contact is one of the common causes of home appliance failures. Having removed the microwave casing, we carefully study whether all the wires are connected. We pay special attention to the terminals of the electric motor. If they show signs of burning or corrosion, they must be disconnected, cleaned, reconnected and pressed firmly with pliers. Possibly due to poor contact, which caused the resistance to rise, the engine could not run at full power.

If visually all contacts are in order, then a possible cause of failure is a malfunction in the control unit. Most often, in this case, some other functions may not work, and the oven itself is unstable. The main reason for the failure of the control unit is instability and voltage drops, which can be caused by fluctuations and surges in the current in the network. In addition, some elements could fail due to water / moisture ingress if the microwave oven was not serviced.


If, after all the above operations, the breakdown was not eliminated, the malfunction is most likely associated with the operation of the engine. If the microwave oven is still under warranty, then you should not repair it yourself, but take it to a service center. Broken seals will cause a refusal to fix the malfunction free of charge, as provided by the service guarantees.

Engine problems

Motor failure is the most common reason a dish in a microwave oven stops rotating. However, there may be several options here:

  • A gearbox is a set of gears that transmit torque from the motor directly to the plate. In older models, the gears were made of metal, so the likelihood of their breakage was minimal. In more modern models, the metal was replaced with plastic, so the likelihood of failure of the gearbox increased sharply - the teeth (especially under heavy load) wear out and wear out.
  • motor shaft - transfers the force from the gearbox to the rotating platform. Usually it is made of plastic, if the plate is loaded above the specified rate, then it can simply break.
  • motor breakdowns - most often, they are caused by a short circuit of the motor winding due to the ingress of water or pieces of food. When the winding is closed, the motor begins to heat up strongly, one of the main signs of burnt wiring is the sharp characteristic smell of burnt wiring. The exact nature of the malfunction can only be determined using an ohmmeter. If the value of the measured resistance is very large or even goes to "infinity", then this is clearly associated with a broken wiring.

Elimination of faults related to the gearbox or motor is associated with the complete replacement of these elements. Basically, if you have basic knowledge in electronics, their replacement will not be a problem. New parts can be ordered online or in a store and then, using the prompts on the video, you can install them yourself.

Otherwise, it is better to use the services of a customer service. At the same time, self-determination of the reason why the pallet stopped rotating will help to avoid deception by the repairmen.In some services, they always "determine" the most expensive breakdown in terms of repair cost, although in reality the work can cost significantly less.

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